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Student Programs

the experience of a lifetime


- Experience the food, the customs, & the language of Japan.
- Live as a member of a Japanese family & attend a Japanese school.
- Make friends, practice communication skills & take part in student cultural activities and sports.
- Travel the famous sites of this ancient and cutting edge civilization.

Our student programs are built to give you the most well-rounded trip possible. We try to see Japan from every angle. In addition to the school visits and home-stay that are part of every trip, we visit old temples and shrines in Kyoto and the gardens of Nara; we explore the tragic, yet inspiring history of Hiroshima; we submerge ourselves in the lights of Shibuya and the bustle of Harajuku in Tokyo; and we do much, much more. We cover a lot of ground, but take our time doing it. 


This summer we have several tours on deck! Come back to see the tour prepared for your school.



Our programs are geared toward giving you the full experience of living as a student in Japan, and an integral part of that is the homestay program. For a real understanding of any foreign culture, a taste of home life is key. True immersion happens only when you have the opportunity to separate yourself from your peers and settle in with a family that is not your own. It is exciting and sometimes challenging, but always rewarding.

Before leaving for Japan, we match you with a Japanese host family and encourage them to treat you like a visiting relative. You'll eat from their table, and learn their customs and routines. Some speak a little English, but most don't, so bring your dictionaries, your photo albums, your sketch pads and best Charades moves! Communication happens, and you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll make yourself understood. If you stumble into a gap, we are never more than a quick phone call away. When it's over, you'll have a clearer understanding of another culture, how their lives are different from your own, and perhaps, more surprisingly, how they are the same. Not only that; you'll have stories to tell and new connections that will hopefully last for years to come.  


Perhaps the most exciting part of our student programs is the school visit. A key component to familiarizing yourself with the real Japan is to engage with students your own age. Throughout our company's history, we have been building relationships between schools in the US and Japan, and each trip we do is centered around several days of school time. You'll attend classes, play games, and do activities with your host school students. You'll sharpen your communication skills, expand your cultural awareness, get up on some new trends, and build a few friendships. During school hours you'll find yourself treated sometimes as a celebrity, sometimes as an oddity, and oftentimes just as another student. Bring your patience, your sense of humor, and your willingness to make new friends and try new things. You'll be most welcome!


Each tour follows its own custom schedule, but one thing we do on every trip is get out and explore Japan. We have rail passes and experienced guides that let us visit the very old and very newest parts of the country and culture. As we make our way across the map you’ll see places you’ve only heard about and places you didn’t know existed. We’ll take care of you and your fellow students, but also give you the free time you want to explore, learn, shop and experience on your own. Bring comfortable walking shoes! Our days will be full!